The Equilibrium Journal
A team management system you can hold in your hand
Step 1: Build Strategic Alignment
Each journal begins with a Strategic Alignment Framework. This framework measures for consistency and alignment in our organizations, and is perfect for high-level management strategy meetings. The framework covers the following:
✓ Revisiting the vision, mission, and values
✓ Setting clear strategic goals aligned with the vision, mission, and values of the organization
✓ Integrating high level objectives into each function
✓ Driving collaboration and communication between functions
Step 2: Create Leadership Pipelines
Career development is one of the highest factors of success and engagement. Our weekly-daily framework helps organizations build strong leadership pipelines by reinforcing employee growth and tracking employee engagement with different types of activities.
✓ Identify employee skills and career aspirations
✓ Build an integrated personal and professional development plan for each employee from which to measure daily performance
✓ Encourage employees to track engagement levels and continuously build structures that hold them accountable
✓ Allow employees to take initiative in shaping their own work content
Step 3: Optimize Individual Performance
Our framework not only provides the structure for employees to achieve optimal productivity and balance everyday, but also helps managers optimize their time with team members through consistent alignment measures
✓ Optimize daily employee performance and well-being
✓ Build a system for employees to maximize focus and maintain peak performance
✓ Encourage employees to bring intention, focus, and excitement into their workday
✓ Measure employee alignment during weekly 1:1’s and quickly identify key engagement patterns
✓ Understand and consistently tweak work patterns
Step 4: Nurture A Culture of Connection
Work-life balance means actually being invested in your employees. Build your culture around genuine connection by integrating balance into your meetings, conversations, and weekly rhythm.
✓ Know what’s going on in each other’s lives and what matters to each employee outside of work
✓ Build teams that support each other’s personal and professional growth
✓ Discuss lessons and celebrate wins together